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�� a wonderful present for an old man ��

23.II.2001 :::: 17:39:34 st polycarp (right on)

Oh. I don't even know where to begin this.

Last year a man from Pennsylvania was arrested for stalking abortion-clinic doctors. He intended to kill them but says that when it came time to pull the trigger he found he could not. He was overwhelmed. He considers himself a failure. He went to the federal pen anyway. After his arrest & incarceration it came out that one of the clinics he stalked was ours:::: that he followed a co-worker of mine, believing she was a doctor, after work at least once.

We got the fax today. Today he escaped from prison.

[[darlings: How much identifying information I throw out of myself & onto this site. My name. My workplace &, sometimes, the names of my co-workers. The bus routes I take to get to work. What else is there? How much have you noticed? �& you know: I still don't care enough to take it all down.]]

Ashcroft + doubleyou. Another clinic being firebombed. A fugitive with a mission & a hotmail account. & I am not scared to go to work & oh is that lack of fear some sort of pathology on my part::: am I in denial? (can you be in denial if you suspect yourself to be.)

I don't even want to say any more about it.


Ash Wednesday is just imminent & I must admit that I am a bit nervous because Lent being imminent means that Easter is imminent & then, you know, all that with the Watery Grave & the Body of Christ. But: I asked Shannon to be my godparent & she accepted so at least I don't have to worry about that. (Seriously: David was going around asking people like Del The Baker, do you know anyone who can be Ricka's godparent?)


I just received an e-mail from my father, & I will quote it, in part, now:

    Oh, by the way. I have a birthday coming up. Didn't know if you might be willing to make me another audio tape like you did for Xmas. I would love some bluegrass stuff. That would be a wonderful present for an old man.

My father looks a little bit like a football coach & puts up with me when I want to listen to Woody Guthrie for days on end. He's a good guy. I'm not going to tell him about this fugitive, who probably isn't even going to come back to these parts anyway.

oh, sweet, have the stunningest-of-your-life time with your heart. how you can fly across the ocean. lovelovelove

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