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�� things i would rather look at than talk about ��

2003-05-16 8:41 p.m.

just for you all, cats + kittens, here is my new favorite datum:
days until i finish with statistics: twenty-four!

fuck you, statistics! you cannot make me care!


my imaginary friend recommends that i derail the let's-talk-about-love train my lizardess may or may not want me to board: by talking about literature. which is a fabulous idea although i am considering heading the whole thing off at the pass by talking about Things I Would Rather Look At Than Talk About, since this is after all what i was educated to do.

off the top of my head, i think i could come up with some good things to say about dong qi chan; andy w; lee krasner; c�zanne & constable & damien hirst; the hot gorgeous heian-japan ideal of mono no aware (which, when i learned about it, sort of blew up my heart & made me feel i was definitely in the wrong place); & the invention of caring about orthogonals. also, maybe again with Why The Italian Renaissance Is A Big Let-Down, with maybe a little side-trip to What Cranach The Elder Did For My Body Image When I Was Vulnerable.

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