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�� you know, make a u-turn here ��

8.V.2003 :::: 23.11

np: sally timms, �canci�n para mi padre�, cowboy sally's laments for lost buckaroos

i wish i were out in the woods, henry-daviding it in style. further, i wish i hadn't left all my cherry coke & my soymilk in the cabin: also several cds.

today i learned that my friend thom from high school is living in the bay area, working as a nanny for a rich family & teaching their children italian. suddenly i am convinced that i must u-turn my life around. who knew you could still be jane eyre? i've always wanted to be jane eyre, minus the fitful other woman & obligatory falling-in-love-with-your-boss. but possibly with some tragic blindness here & there.

(at kenyon for japanese class i had to memorize several rote conversations in which a taxi passenger, giving directions, says "yuu-tar'n sh'ta," which means, you know, "make a u-turn [here]" & which cracked me up every time.)

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