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�� sushi i love sushi ��

7.V.2003 :::: 8.54
san jeremias
np: red house painters, �cruiser�, old ramon

i had this long & complicated & very earnest dream in which jojo forgave me & i had to go to new york to find him & tell him that i forgave him, too. dream-new-york was green & pale, kind of spread-out. maybe like a city in a movie.

here is what i have done since arriving in elizabethtown: i have read, & i have slept. i have not left the house yet. that will change today when jane & i go out for sushi. good for us!

also maybe tonight my mom & i will go down to the cabin, which i have not seen in a year, before any of the renovations started. my parents hired mennonite contractors to do the renovatin'.

Te har� fuerte como el diamante si no te acobardas. Pero si te dejas llevar por el miedo, me apartar� de ti.

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