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�� meals for invalids ��

30.IV.2003 :::: 21.53

there is rice & tea for dinner, nothing else, because we have saddened & tensed ourselves up into such knots that we need Meals For Invalids.

tomorrow it will be may & i will say the two things i always say, neither of which i said first, when it becomes may, stay tuned for details � but i am particularly excited because, & this happens every year, i forget through the long winter & then through my spring fever that the end of april just wrecks me every time, & then it comes up saying "weren't you warned?" & kicks me in the teeth.

sometimes it's a good kick in the teeth. this year it feels like a starting-over, even if it is a shaky one, but a challenge anyway.

i hate the vague. i'll dismiss it when i turn all the calendars at work tomorrow.

to get back to specifics, & to answer your questions:

1. are you messy or tidy?
generally cluttered, occasionally rabidly inspired to clean.

2. what time do you get up in the morning?
on workdays, before 6am. i find it difficult to sleep late on my days off.

3. what is your favorite room?
generally speaking, kitchens, closets, rooftops, bathtubs.

4. how long does it take you to get ready for work in the morning?
i can stretch the routine out to an hour or squeeze it into fifteen minutes. strangely, the hour-long routine doesn't involve any extra preening or hygiene maneuvers. it's just slower.

5. what position do you sleep in? are you a heavy or a light sleeper?
i can fall asleep at the merest suggestion of a drop of a hat &, if disturbed, can fall back asleep nearly as instantly. i like to sleep on my stomach with my hands tucked up under my chest, but for some reason i have recently become convinced that i should (why?) sleep on my back.

6. will you make me a chocolate malt?
no, but i will make you caf� con leche.

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