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�� introduction ��

31.III.2003 :::: 12.40

np: dar williams, �i won't be your yoko ono�

in my usual anti-social fashion i decided to take both my classes this quarter online so that i wouldn't have to talk to anyone. besides, i consider myself sort of autodidactic royalty.

anyway for developmental psychology the first assignment is to post an introduction to the discussion board. more than half of my classmates are military wives sitting at home with their children & every one of them mentions their marriage or engagement. all the introductions seem so norman rockwell, so yellow-ribbon-round-the-tree, so sunday dinner, that i got this weird sinkhole in my stomach.

i sat for a while considering the sinkhole.

i went back & forth a while, wondering whether i should be bland & inocuous, or whether i should grab the creature by its kicking feet & be honest.

ultimately this is what i posted:

my name is ericka and this is my first quarter of schoolwork since i got my bachelor's degree in art history. i sort of stumbled into the medical field after graduating from college and have been working for several years at a women's health center here in columbus. i am now working toward becoming a nurse midwife while my partner works on her PhD in history. we have no children (yet), two cats, one niece, one nephew, and too many books.

i am excited to be back in school and looking forward to this class with you all.

� ericka

� which i think is a fine compromise & a decent introduction to people who aren't going to cross my path anyway.

but this is what i wanted to write:

my name is ericka and i am going back to school after getting a BA in art history. after working for several years in an abortion clinic, i'm taking steps toward becoming a midwife.

i have been with my partner for seven years but we have no legal right to marry so you will excuse me for not talking excitedly about my wedding plans. we are planning the next step which is children. we will have a whole horde & we will not send them to the schools.

i am queer, vegan, catholic, politically radical, pacifist, & from kentucky. when insulted i will take the bait. recently i've been spending a lot of time thinking about glass, osseology, mail-order brides, & frank o'hara.

i look forward to this class & getting to know all of you & arguing with you about the inherent evils of many social instutitions you likely take for granted.


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