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�� thought about the snow ��

17.II.2003 :::: 15.42

np: mazzy star, �fade into you�

on saturday when bean came home we made chocolate fondue & sat in the glam living room with all the candles lit & the volume on the stereo turned up beyond neighborly levels of politeness, & we thought about the snow. also we drank too much wine & ordered things-that-called-out-to-us online, including this & this.

when we woke up it was snowing & now the snow is the only thing in the world.

lookame, sitting home doing crosswords & listening to music too loud & pretending that any minute now i am going to get around to all this work i brought home. any minute now.

also lookame contemplating the mole i am going to invent tonight so we can sit around pretending to be in oaxaca where outside it never, ever looks like this.

it is strange to think of the snow just falling falling into the ocean.

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