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6.II.2003 :::: 20.08
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acoelomates. asymmetry. benthic. bilateral symmetry. budding. coelom. ectothermic. endothermic. filter feeders. homeotherms. invertebrates. medusa. mesenteries. pelagic. poikilotherms. polyp. radial symmetry. sessile. vertebrates.

accessory structures. alternation of generations. angiosperms. annual. antheridia (antheridium). archegonium. auxin. cambium. capsule. cone. deciduous. dicot. flower. fruit. gametophyte. germinate. gymnosperms. herb. imperfect flowers. leaves. life cycle. monocot. nondeciduous. ovary. perennial. perfect flowers. petals. phloem. pistil. pollen. pollination. root. root hairs. seed. seed leaves. sepals. spores. sporophyte. stamen. stem. vascular tissues. wood. woody vascular plants. xylem.

algae. bacteria. benthic. bloom. colonial microbes. endosphere. lichen. microorganisms (microbes). mycorrhiza. pathogen. phytoplankton. plankton. protozoa.

alternation of generations. binomial system of nomenclature. class. family. fungus. gametophyte stage. genus. host. kingdom. obligate intracellular parasites. order. phylogeny. phylum. saprophyte. specific epithet. sporphyte stage. taxonomy. virus.

autotrophs. biogenesis. coacervate. endosymbiotic theory. eukaryote. heterotroph. microsphere. oxidizing atmosphere. prebionts. prokaryote. proteinoid. protocell. reducing atmosphere. spontaneous generation.

androgens. autosomes. Barr bodies. coitus. conception. copulation. corpus luteum. cryptorchidism. differentiation. ejaculation. estrogens. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). gametogensis. hormone. hypothalamus. inguinal canal. inguinal hernia. interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH). masturbation. menopause. menstrual cycle. oogenesis. orgasm. ovary. oviduct. ovulation. penis. pituitary gland. placenta. polar body. primary oocyte. primary spermatocyte. puberty. secondary oocyte. secondary sexual characteristics. secondary spermatocyte. semen. seminal vesicle. seminiferous tubules. sex-determining chromosome. sexual intercourse. sexuality. sperm. spermatids. spermatogenesis. testes. testosterone. uterus. vagina. X chromosome. Y chromosome. zygote.

acetylcholine. acetylcholinesterase. actin. antidiuretic hormone (ADH). axon. basilar membrane. central nervous system. cerebellum. cerebrum. cochlea. cones. dendrites. depolarized. endocrine glands. endochrine system. epinephrine. estrogen. exocrine glands. fovea centralis. gland. growth-stimulating hormone (GSH). hormones. hypothalamus. incus. malleus. medulla oblangata. motor neurons. motor unit. myosin. negative-feedback control. nerve cell. nerve impulse. nerves. nervous system. neuron. neurotransmitter. norepinephrine. olfactory epithelium. oval window. oxytocin. perception. peripheral nervous system. pons. response. retina. rhodopsin. rods. semicircular canals. sensory neurons. soma. spinal cord. stapes. stimulus. synapse. testosterone. thalamus. thryoid-stimulating hormone (TSH). thyroxine. triiodothyronine. tropomyosin. troponin. tympanum. voltage.

absorption. aerobic exercise. anaerobic exercise. anorexia nerviosa. assimilation. basal metabolic rate (BMR). bulimia. calorie. carbohydrate loading. complete protein. diet. digestion. electrolytes. essential amino acids. essential fatty acid. fiber. Food Guide Pyramid. incomplete protein. ingestion. kilcalorie (kcal). kwashiorkor. minerals. nutrients. nutrition. obese. osteoporosis. protein-sparing. recommended daily allowances (RDAs). specific dynamic action (SDA). vitamin-deficiency disease. vitamins.

alveoli. anemia. aeorta. arteries. arterioles. atria. atrioventricular valves. bile. blood. Bowman's capsule. breathing. bronchi. bronchioles. capillaries. carbonic anhydrase. diaphragm. diastolic blood pressure. distal convoluted tubule. duodenum. gallbladder. gastric juice. glomerolus. heart. hemoglobin. hepatic portal vein. homeostasis. immune system. kidneys. lacteals. large intestine. liver. loop of Henle. lung. lymph. lymphatic system. micriovilli. nephrons. pancreas. pepsin. pharynx. plasma. proximal convoluted tubule. pulmonary artery. pulmonary circulation. pyloric sphyncter. salivary amylase. salivary glands. semilunar valves. small intestines. surface area-to-volume ratio (SA/V). systemic circulation. systolic blood pressure. trachea. veins. ventricles. villi.

anthropomorphism. behavior. classical conditioning. conditioned response. critical period. dominance hierarchy. ethology. habituation. imprinting. insight. instinctive behavior. learning. observational learning. operant (instrumental) conditioning. pheromone. photoperiod. redirected aggression. response. society. sociobiology. stimulus. territorial behavior. territory. thinking.

age distribution. biotic potential. carrying capacity. death phase. density-dependent factors. density-independent factors. envrionmental resistance. exponential growth phase. extrinsic factors. gene flow. gene frequency. intrinsic factors. lag phase. limiting factors. mortality. natality. population. population density. population growth curve. population pressure. reproductive capacity. sex ratio. stable equilibrium phase.

biological amplification. commensalism. competetion. competetive exclusion principle. denitrifying bacteria. epiphyte. external parasite. free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria. habitat. host. insecticide. internal parasite. mutualism. niche. nitrifying bacteria. parasite. parasitism. pesticide. predation. predator. prey. symbiosis. symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. transpiration. vector.

abiotic factors. biomass. biomes. biotic factors. carnivores. climax community. community. consumers. decomposers. ecology. ecosystem. environment. food chain. food web. herbivores. omnivores. pioneer community. pioneer organisms. population. primary carnivores. primary consumers. primary succession. producers. productivity. secondary carnivores. secondary consumers. secondary succession. sere. succession. succesional community. trophic level.

adaptive radiation. behavioral isolation. convergent evolution. divergent evolution. ecological isolation. gene flow. genetic isolating mechanism. geographic barriers. geographic isolation. gradualism. habitat preference. polyploidy. punctuated equilibrium. range. reproductive isolating mechanism. seasonal isolation. speciation. species. subspecies.

acquired characterists. evolution. genetic recombination. Hardy-Weinberg concept. natural selection. selecting agent. spontaneous mutation. theory of natural selection.

allele frequency. clones. deme. eugenics laws. gene frequency. gene pool. genetic counselor. genetic diversity. hybrid. monoculture. population. species. subspecies (races, breeds, strains, or varieties).

alleles. autosomes. carrier. condominance. dominant allele. double-factor cross. gene. gene expression. genetic heterogeneity. genetics. genome. genotype. heterozygous. homozygous. law of dominance. law of independent assortment. law of segregation. linkage group. locus (loci). Mendelian genetics. mitochondrial (or maternal) inheritance. multiple alleles. offspring. phenotype. pleiotropy. polygenic inheritance. probability. Punnett square. recessive allele. sex chromosomes. single-factor cross. X-linked gene.

anther. autosomes. crossing-over. diploid. Down syndrome. egg. fertilization. gamete. gametogenesis. gonad. haploid. homologous chromosomes. independent assortment. meiosis. monosomy. nondisjunction. ovaries. pistil. reduction division (also meiosis). segregation. sex chromosomes. sexual reproduction. sperm. synpasis. testes. trisomy. zygote.

anaphase. apoptosis. benign tumor. cancer. carcinogens. cell plate. centrioles. centromere. chromatid. chromosomes. cleavage furrow. cytokinesis. daughter cells. daughter chromosomes. daughter nuclei. differentation. interphase. malignant tumor. metaphse. metastatize. mitosis. prophase. spindle. telephase. tumor.

adenine. anticodon. biotechnology. chromatin fibers. chromosomal aberrations. chromosome. coding strand. codon. complementary base. cytosine. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). deoxyribose. DNA code. DNA polymerase. DNA replication. duplex DNA. gene. guanine. initiation code. messenger RNA (mRNA). mutagneic agent. mutation. nitrogenous base. nucleic acids. nucleoproteins. nucleosomes. nuecleotide. point mutation. protein synthesis. recombinant DNA. ribonucleic acid (RNA). ribose. ribosomal RNA. RNA polymerase. sickle-cell anemia. telomeres. template. termination code. thymine. transcription. transfer RNA. translation. transposons. uracil.

accessory pigments. acetyl. adenosine triphosphate (ATP). aerobic cellular respiration. alcoholic fermentation. anabolism. anaerobic cellular respiration. autotrophs. biochemical pathway. carbon dioxide conversion stage. catabolism. cellular respiration. chlorophyll. electron-transport system (ETS). FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide). fermentation. glycolysis. heterotrophs. high-energy phosphate bond. Krebs cycle. light-energy conversion stage. NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). oxidation-reduction reactions (redox). PGAL (phosphogylceraldehyde). photosynthesis. pyruvic acid.

activation energy. active site. attachement site. binding site. catalyst. coenzyme. competitive inhibition. control process. denature. enzymatic competition. enzyme. enzyme-substrate complex. gene-regulator proteins. inhibitor. negative-feedback inhibition. nutrients. substrate. turnover number.

active transport. aerobic cellular respiration. antibiotics. cell. cell membrane. cell wall. cellular membranes. centriole. chlorophyll. chloroplast. chromatin. chromosomes. cilia. concentraion gradient. cristae. cytoplasm. cytoskeleton. diffusion. diffusion gradient. dynamic equilibrium. endoplasmic reticulum (ER). eukaryotic cells. facilitated diffusion. flagella. fluid-mosaic model. Golgi apparatus. grana. granules. hydrophilic. hydrophobic. hypertonic. hypotonic. inclusions. intermediate filaments. isotonic. lysosome. microfilaments. microscope. microtubules. mitochondrion. net movement. nuclear membrane. nucleoli. nucleoplasm. nucleus. organelles. osmosis. peroxisome. phagocytosis. photosynthesis. pinocytosis. plasma membrane. prokaryotic cells. protoplasm. ribosomes. selectively permeable. stroma. vacuole. vescicles.

amino acid. biochemistry. carbohydrate. carbon skeleton. complex carbohydrates. dehydration synthesis reaction. denature. double bond. fat. fatty acid. functional groups. glycerol. hydrolysis. inorganic molecules. isomers. lipids. nucleic acids. nucleotide. organic molecules. peptide bond. phospholipid. polypeptide chain. protein. regulator proteins. saturated. steroid. structural proteins. true (neutral) fats. unsaturated.

acid. anion. atom. atomic mass unit. atomic nucleus. atomic number. atomic weight. base. cation. chemical bonds. chemical formula. chemical reaction. chemical symbol. colloid. compound. covalent bond. density. electrons. elements. empirical formula. energy. energy level. first law of thermodynamics. gas. hydrogen bond. hydroxyl ion. ionic bond. ions. isotopes. kinetic energy. liquid. mass number. matter. mixture. molecule. neutralization. neutrons. periodic table of the elements. pH. polar molecule. potential energy. products. protons. radioactive. reactants. salts. solid. states of matter. structural formula. temperature.

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