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�� osteology vs muscles & fasci� ��

8.XII.2002 :::: 13.56
la imaculada
np: john vanderslice, �keep the dream alive�

i dreamt last night that the country declared war. also that the country declared that any dissenters, pacifists, counterculturists, radiculturists, etc should abandon their homes & set up camp in this special dissenters' tenement on the north side of the city. you were supposed to abandon your possessions, too, & take with you this large maybe four-foot-long reindeer-antler-shaped piece of plywood which would mark you as a dissenter. you could not take any books with you.

anyway in the dream as i was grabbing my reindeer-plywood thing, i saw nick cave grabbing one as well. i yelled across the room at him, "hey nick! why don't you just go back to australia?!" but he just laughed at me & picked up his plywood & got the hell out of there before the bombs started dropping.

there were no other bad seeds in my dream, but there was a small dog chewing on some strands of christmas lights, & there was some jaywalking.


also last night what had started as the sort of pain you might get from sleeping in a weird position, annoying but live-with-able, very suddenly turned into the sort of pain that immobilizes the right half of the upper body, neck through right shoulder through right upper arm. after much wincing & wimpering i managed to fall asleep.

i woke up around 4.00 & couldn't get back to sleep for the pain. at 5.18 i got out of bed & walked around the house, just to have something to do without turning on any lights, until bean called me back to bed. i finally drifted off to sleep just before 7.00 & then slept through both opportunities to go to mass, & had the dream with nick cave.

now i am wishing i had taken an anatomy class so that i could name the muscles that hurt me. my knowledge of anatomy all comes from my very early childhood, around the time my brother was born, when my parents bought me a workbook with the diagrammed, labelled skeleton. they bought me a life-sized paper skeleton, too, with brads at all the joints, & hung it on my closet door. oh the bones, oh the names of the bones. i had a little cloth doll i named "patella."

anyway i have not pulled or hurt my bones. these are desperate times & i am breaking out the copy of gray's.

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