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�� pointy again ��

31.VIII.2002 :::: 14.08

i dreamt last night that i was jake gyllenhaal's ex-girlfriend.


bean + i are getting new specs. new specs are more expensive than i would like, but i rationalize that the cost will be worth it as my eyesight is actually worsening.

only, though, in the right eye (o.d.). my left eye (o.s.) hardly needs correction at all; so when i think of my individual eyes as weak or strong creatures, i frequently want a monocle.

my eyes are green. the right eye has a small brown flaw in the iris.

my brother's eyes are gorgeous & strange, practically iridescent.


in a different dream, all my teeth fell out, & i had to have them put back in, excruciatingly, by dr b____'s brother, who is in actual waking life a periodontist so it kind of makes sense. when i woke up my whole mouth hurt. now it still hurts up in front, as if someone has been tugging on my teeth persistently. because of the pain i've been holding my jaw slightly open all day. i bet i look ridiculous.


i think my ears used to be pointier than they are now. i wish they would be pointy again.

i wish i would make up my mind whether i want to cut my hair off short.

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