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�� more about fortune cookies ��

14.VIII.2002 :::: 18.37 st m. maximillian kolbe

i would like to start a company called Fortunate Cookies. the cookies will have exotic flavors (cardamon, chili-chocolate-cinnamon, guava, lime-papaya, garam masala) & the fortunes will be thrilling & useful & daring.

    � your love for him will ALWAYS be giddy, sullen, stormy, and adolescent.

    � do it! do it now!

    � add saffron.

    � you will meet your match in the crosswalk.

    � you will give in & buy that thing you're eyeing.

    � i don't know why you won't give in to a perfectly good temptation. why?

    � we dare you to look up.

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