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�� You will eat cake. �Frank O'. ��

12.VIII.2002 :::: 14.39

at work i have this fortune-cookie fortune, probably from some lunch meeting somewhere along the line, taped to the outside of my locker door. the fortune says, the architect of your destiny is yourself. i put it up there because i thought i could use some constant reinforcement of the message. but then a couple months ago i stopped putting things in my locker so i forgot all about it.


yesterday bean + i took a field trip to the mall, which turned into the field trip to hot topic. in the spirit of the professional, outside observer, we bought a couple of stickers, & i bought bean a pair of blue glitter wristbands for superhero dress-up purposes.

hot topic was full of kids buying back-to-school clothes with their parents. the staff, which included a woman i frequently see at magnolia's complaining to the goth boys there about her job, took a big shine to us for reasons i can't tell: unless it was because we were the only customers over the age of 25 & i was wearing a sundress.

what bean said (also why i hate hot topic): "wow, when i was goth you had to work really hard at it."


today is that day when you wake up & just keep going. i am wearing brand-new red shoes in which to just keep going. i am not listening to �your ghost�, although if you wanted to, you could, & you could pretend it is from me.

i am going to grab my frank o'hara & take my shoes off & climb up onto the bed. i am going to turn, once again, to �Mayakovsky�: my poem Most Turned To In My Hour Of Despondence.

    to wit:

      My heart's aflutter!
      I am standing in the bath tub
      crying. Mother, mother
      who am I? If he
      will just come back once
      and kiss me on the face
      his coarse hair brush
      my temple, it's throbbing!

      then I can put on my clothes
      I guess, and walk the streets.

    (there's more. there's always more.)

& then maybe i will move on to things like �Lines for the Fortune Cookies�, or maybe i will watch tv.

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