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�� they think they're so elegant ��

8.VIII.2002 :::: 11.55 san qui�n

fucking hell, this morning i forgot the raven was there & i almost tripped over it again.

once outside gund this perfectly alive raven was walking around eating pieces of bagels that kids had dropped on the ground. a raven has this very awkward walk, even more awkward than other birds', like it is always just catching itself from toppling over. we watched the raven for a long while & finally jef threw something at it & stood up to go & said "stupid goths. they think they're so elegant but they picked a fucking dumb-ass bird to get all excited about."


i've dusted off the greek books i bought years ago (my having-the-books & my not-taking-greek are a long story) & now hey i can talk about plows & oxen & house-slaves. i slog through the agriculture bits in hopes that i will stick this out long enough to be able to read the evangelists.

becky told me once that the evangelists' greek is full of mis-used prepositions: which makes me feel better about the awkward spanish i speak at work to the immigrant women, full of mumbled verb endings & mis-used prepositions, not to mention words i just up & stole from italian.

when i read greek i breathe very slowly & i open my eyes as wide as possible. as if stillness & quiet & a greater field of vision will make the meaning clear.

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