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�� whiskeyfied ��

8.VII.2002 :::: 20.07 at the library

bean is looking at departments of history, online, & asked me to tag along with her to the library.

i am here to tell you that i drank whiskey this weekend (not for the first time) & found it enjoyable (quite for the first time). my status as a Good Kentuckian rises, if only slightly.

we walked back from & i gave addie an art history lecture which i don't remember, except that it involved c�zanne & richter & rilke & damien hirst & andy w, & let me tell you, if i found a way to link c�zanne to d.hirst i'd sure like to remember it. anyway it does me good to know that i can still rattle on about the things my parents paid for me to learn, internalize, then grow up & ignore.

we listened to sonic youth & drank chardonnay & i think you should all do the same.

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