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�� some really good books ��

26.XI.2001 :::: 18.41

just down the street from the clinic, on the corner, is a halfway house. some of the men in the program there hawk bottled water on the sidewalk by the traffic light. i think it is the longest red light in town. most of them recognize me & say hello, & sometimes i buy water from them for the bus ride home. today one of the men was new. when i told him i didn't want to buy any water, he said, "the bible says, give & it shall be given back to you." he walked away & came back, & he pointed to the copy of the two towers in my hand & said, "i read those books. they're good." he walked away, came back. "the gunslinger books are better though. also you should read the bible sometime. it's good too."


little errands, here + there, getting things together to make christmas presents for friends + relations. reading tolkien. gearing up for going-to-kentucky next month. bracing myself for being alone in the house all weekend, only the cats to keep me company. putting billie holiday on the record player.

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