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�� girls like you ��

17.XI.2001 :::: 17.20 st elizabeth of hungary

the clinic protestors have new posters, very exciting. when m______ & i were unlocking the door this morning, one of the protestors got tired of shouting scripture at us & said, "what are two nice white girls like you doing working in a black neighborhood like this?"

on the other side of the door as it locked, she & i exchanged "did-he-really-say-that" looks. he really did, he really did.

they are like fish in the water who don't know that they are wet / but as far as i can tell / the world isn't perfect yet .[[.ani.difranco.]].

outside it is still gorgeous. this weather, this month, has been the anti-ohio. a girl could get used to this. although, still, i hate how dark it gets, how soon.

after chris left last night i finished the autobiography of red which was so good that i can't even talk about it. i have a borrowed copy of the fellowship of the ring which i need to cram, but it doesn't feel like a Curl Up + Read kind of already-dark afternoon. it feels more like a Listen To Yaz + Eat Cupcakes kind of already-dark afternoon.

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