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�� $3 gladiolas purple + red ��

9.X.2001 :::: 15.31 john lennon

i got no sleep because in the middle of the night someone called us collect, over & over again, & when we would wake up frantically & refuse the charges, he would just wait five minutes & call right back. every time the phone rang i felt someone was pulling me up out of a hole by my hair. when my alarm went off this morning i felt ragged.

so i have skipped out of work early & before bean left for her store she made me toast with lemon tea, & it is so much better to sit at home in pyjamas than to sit at work & feel ragged. (i have such plans for these evenings when she works late, until midnight, & i never accomplish much of anything, but it is nice to think of sitting around finishing pale fire & listening to the stack of cds she left sitting out for me on the living room floor.)

on the way home in the little alleyway next to the rhodes tower downtown, there was a little farmer's market, & i stopped to buy some gladiolas & a little basket of raspberries & a 50� small inedible pumpkin. i carried the flowers (purple & red) in front of me very awkwardly, kind of the way my parents taught me to hold scissors in front of me when walking up or down the stairs. for those times when scissors must travel between storeys.

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