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�� o vos omnes qui transitis per viam adtendite et videte si est dolor sicut dolor meus ��

15.IX.2001 :::: 20.26 our lady of the sorrows

� wednesday night we heard news of tina who is intact, still there, unhurt. last night she called, she is also shaken. she was only blocks away, in class at NYU.

� happy birthday mischka.

� now all the new york hearts i know are accounted for. i feel selfish + guilty for saying this. but i am relieved for it to be true.

� now it is cold enough that there is hot tea before bedtime. tonight also there is dhal for dinner.

� also, last night's peach-blueberry-raspberry pie. (& yes, we are cold, & yes, we crack jokes at inappropriate times, & we talked about pie-baking as Patriotic Duty In Times Of Conflict. but the pie is really quite good.)

� at work this morning i was confronted with jerry falwell's opinion that because i am a queer / feminist / abortion-clinic-worker, it is my fault that we were bombed with our own planes. i brought down the wrath. i took jerry falwell's words calmly, considering. (note: it would have been much worse, according to JF, if i were pagan too.)

� i just checked on the dhal only to learn that the gas flame under it went out at some undetermined point.

� it's rich dhal. i substituted saffron for turmeric. crazy.

� hiroshima. nagasaki. tokyo. dresden. the school of the americas. who are we kidding. we are a young brash nation of terrorists ourselves.

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