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�� when i haven't ��

16.VIII.2001 :::: 14.18 san esteban rey de hungr�a

the heat is gone now, i don't know where, over the ocean & dissipating probably, & all the winds coming down from canada for the rest of the summer. so last night i was very excited, thinking of all the breads i will make once my kitchen finishes cooling down. with walnuts, or dried fruit, or cinnamon.

& for some reason i feel as if i have been crying all morning. when i haven't.

but i went to no.1 chinese with mischka & then walked home (with a stop in the library along the way) with no crying whatsoever. why so worn out?

oh bean's car, the lovely punk-rock nova, is dying. we are going to run it into the ground. we are maybe going to buy her brother's car, fly down to florida in october & drive it back.

how did august suddenly get halfway over?

    it's not an awful secret / you know / it's just a secret ..::.kristin hersh.::..

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