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�� we love each other Best ��

23.VII.2001 :::: 17.41

i am distressed by the number of people who find me by searching for things like "underage girls" & "miniskirt view" & (extra-distressing) "little skinny underage girls."

also distressing was the sheer number of boxes this man was waiting to mail out, at the poste today. i stood in line behind a boy wearing an episode one backpack who was behind a very tall possibly-med-student man in scrubs & the three of us just gawked at how there were boxes filling up the entire space between the door you open & the door the postal person opens when you have to mail packages from the ghetto post office.

all that just to pick up the blankety blank blank machine i got for bean's birthday. (must be secretive. must not reveal present before it is time.)

speaking of. note to loyal readers: do not ever ever think it is worthwhile to fight with your person about your person's birthday plans. your person will, guaranteed, be certifiably upset by this.

further speaking of. time to cut this short to go shopping for the last of the presents. thrill!

(i will be so glad when this is over. i mean i love her to bits-of-the-moon, but i can't wait until it is wednesday-birthday-night & we are sitting over a nice dinner [also hushhush!] & all that is left is to give the presents & we look into each others eyes & make pottymouth jokes because that is when we love each other best: when we are being scatalogical & about twelve.)

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