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�� in a long black coat past slow executives ��

19.III.2001 :::: 14:33 saint joseph

damn the red shoes. i fell down the stairs this morning, outside my apartment. i could have gone back inside to whine to bean & to put on boots, but i picked myself up (slowly) & walked down the rest of the stairs & ... went to work.


where we go we celebrate. good commuting music: the tape teclo made me for st patrick's. dark: rock+roll. it is also good walking briskly through downtown in a long black coat past slow executives music & good stomping around music. delicious.

[[bonus teclomatic points: when bean & i were buying the need-i-say-RED cover for the futon, cd101 was on & i heard tec doing her deejay thang & damn girl you sounded good. be proud. i am proud of you.]]


okay here is the big news buried deep in the diaryentry: i've had all my hair cut off.

welcome to my open stare

it is about an inch at its longest & i think it is harsh & i don't think i look so good in my specs with it.

but it is this lovely black-with-red-beneath color so that is that. & hair grows back. which is what i always say to dr s_______, who says each time i fuck with it, "well, well, why did you change it, i just don't know what was wrong with it before." so i'm sure he'll say it tomorrow, too.

more to say but out of time, neh.

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