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�� it wasn't really very significant. it didn't leave much of a mark. ��


my new specs are crayola cadet blue.

it is march already: this is a fast year. (i don't like march & quite frankly i am glad i will be in texas, which is like being in another country for the worst chunk of it. yes i'm running from ghosts but.)

today the sun was quite out but it was very chilly & i was wearing this black-dress-&-patchwork-jacket-with-red-tights combo i used to wear all the time. i was listening to a tape i made for matthew�ash about four years ago: sonic youth, the glove, lush, shelleyan orphan, siouxsie, cranes :::::& with the sun & the tape & my clothes & my just-cut-off-last-night floppy hair i felt very several-years-ago. & oh that general yearning that comes from wanting all of us sitting around for hours again. (even though, as bean points out, my years at kenyon were harrowing, & i was depressed more or less the whole time. she hates when i wax nostalgic about it. what i miss when i'm waxing n*, though, is the sitting around for hours part. & the art history lectures part: all those slides. & the knowing where all the ginkgos are part.)


yesterday was ash wednesday so i received ashes for the first time. saint francis was absolutely packed & i was in the front so after i'd gotten back to my seat i just watched everyone else waiting in two lines slowly moving forward. like avanty samply music, with very background-music-sounding organ music in, well, the background, & father's voice & the lector's voice repeating over & over again.

turn away from sin. and be faithful to the gospel.

then at Roman Catholics In Action there was a big discussion about abstinence from meat & lots of cracks about vegetarians during lent. i came home. i went to bed. in the morning the ashes were all over my hands.

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