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�� adventures in transportation ��

21.II.2001 :::: 18:56:16

  • this morning i abandoned my carefully-packed lunch on the bus. the rest of my day went, yeah, kind of like that.

  • but last night i dreamt that she-she came to ohio because she was 15 weeks pregnant & did not know what to do. she kept reminding me that i should keep in mind that she used to be with mischka when doling out advice. i kept telling her mischka didn't even fit in to this fifteen-week equation. i was glad to wake up because it was starting to be confusing.

  • what i want very much right now is to make a giant kitsch painting with phototransfer & lots of impasto & brash post-pop colors, & to call it San Sietea�os.

  • very quick, i have to go now & learn how to anoint the sick. or watch someone else do it. probably.

  • nickel wound | job safety | flood bowl | written upside down | grey escape | farmer poverty
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