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�� In which I attempt to use proper capitalization, to the amusement of many. ��

9.II.2001 >>>> 15:56:40

On the news was this frighteningly-produced piece about graffiti in the Arena District. (Frighteningly-produced: lots of quick zooms in and out of tight shots, for no reason whatsoever, and without rhythm. Remember, kids: form is content.) What haunts me is this horrible sound byte from Some Lady Who Works For The City saying, These people are vandals; they're not artists. If they were, they would be painting on canvas and making thousands of dollars and getting rich.

If I could remember her name, I would write her a letter and invoke my degree to tell her a thing or two.


I am home from work sick today. no thanks to you. If my head snapped off at the neck, I imagine I'd feel a lot better.

I'm going to pour some honey down my throat.

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