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�� the particular bee up his ass ��

8.II.2001 >>>> 17:04:47 st jerome emiliani

i had a dream that i lived in this apartment but it had a yard, & i let reckoning out into the yard but she hadn't gotten far when the little alligators got her. i stood there behind the door thinking, Of course it is only a dream. �but then i thought, What if it is not a dream?, �& i had to run outside & stomp the little alligators until they let her go. she was all wet-furred & bitten & clawed-up & she huddled into a little ball in my arms. when i woke up the first thing i did was track her down & squeeze her probably half to death, because i was so glad she was unbitten.

i have been having other dreams about recko, too, mostly involving her being in Some Kind Of Danger. in all of them, i think, This is only a dream, then change my mind & rescue her. & of course it is always only a dream & i wake up with her at my feet talking loudly.


yesterday at work some gentleman called on the telephone to Make Trouble. he said he was a college student writing a paper involving abortion & men's rights. he gave melanie a hard time so she handed him over to me.

the particular bee that was up his ass is that men �have no rights� when it comes to abortion & that abortion clinics �do not offer services for men�. (ohio, for example, does not require a partner's or husband's consent before a woman has an abortion. pennsylvania tried to write husband's consent into their abortion laws and the courts struck that down.)

i tried explaining to him that we have received very little demand for partner counselling (i found out, after this conversation, that alice my take-no-shit-boss would really like to offer partner counselling, but no one seems to want it). i explained some of our other policies to him & told him where i would refer our patient's partners if brief, over-the-phone, crisis-type counselling didn't meet their needs. i thought i had shut him up pretty good when he said:

what i don't understand is this. now this doesn't apply to me personally. i'm 50 years old & married. but if i got a woman pregnant & i wanted her to have the baby, she could have an abortion without my consent. but. if i wanted her to have an abortion & she had the baby, i would have to pay child support for eighteen years. why is that?

i told him i didn't think what women do with a particular pregnancy is necessarily men's business. i told him that if he had problems with child-support law, maybe he should be writing a paper on men's rights & child support.

then i told him, I am a very busy person, can i help you with anything else right now?, & he said no & we hung up & i had a headache for a couple of hours.


i got a letter from jane today & what with her & what with addiest i am starting to feel guilty for having good anniversaries in february. next weekend will be the Fourth Anniversary for bean & me (the institution). march, now, which follows february (why yes, it does), is as bad as septembers for me. almost. i am scheduling breakdowns. i will have no time for breakdowns! i am going to austin! yes yes. with my (by that time re-)redded hair & possibly new boots & possibly new ink. madeovericka.


unrecognizably red /
i slipped through the scene
:::.palace songs.:::
:::."werner's last blues to blockbuster".:::

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