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�� the very hyper one after two cokes w/lime ��

11.XI.2002 :::: 14.59 st martin de tours

I like the Low songs with handclaps in them. I like watching Mischka drive because it is a novelty, his hands at 10 & 2 when he is not shifting. I like thinking about driving my own car later this week, hoping the weather holds. I like this weather, now that I speak of it, the sky alternating between ohio grey & petrifying blue. Last night in the car with Mischka (again with the driving) we could see the lightning off in the distance, we could try to guess where the storm was at that exact flickering moment.

I like sitting in the glam living room (it cleans up so pretty!) re-reading all the Harry Potter books in quick gulps, with one cat or the other sitting on my feet & making little bird-sounds. I like downing cup of tea after cup of tea after cup of cider, during.

(Oh heavens I might actually drive the car. Oh heavens.)

Anyway there should be some obligatory mention here of the weekend, of the Driving-to-Pittsburgh & of the Not-Getting-Irreparably-Misplaced-in-Its-Streets, of how much I love all the crowded lights of Pittsburgh in the dark, the lit-up bridges!, the swerving streets!, the lights!, the rivers!, how suddenly just past the Seventh Street Bridge the Andy Warhol is right there. The obligatory mention of the Future Bible Heroes show, the rockstar get-ups of the audience, the frumpiness of the Future Bible Heroes themselves, my enduring love for Stephin M., his low voice reeling through a stripped-down, ukelele-driven version of "I'm Lonely (And I Love It)" while my heart threatened to burst. The old Andy footage of Edie Sedgwick in the background. (Edie dons earrings. Edie removes her coat. Edie smokes a cigarette. Edie shows us her underthings. Stephin & Claudia sing on, sing on.)

The obligatory mention of the dinner on saturday: corn-sweet-potato chowder, sweet-potato cornbread, jerked tofu + root veg, apple crisp, wine, cider, christmas lights, tea lights. (I should point out, as an apology to anyone reading this who was at my house: I think cooking is much easier than finding things to say. You probably knew that already.)

Today i was telling Chris et al that I've recently decided I should learn to read braille. That way if I am trapped in a dark place (such as a movie theatre, or a cave), I can keep myself entertained, as long as I am carrying around with me some big-ass books printed in braille.

My other plan involves a bibliography, but it is so geeky I can't bear to expose anyone else to it.

Suddenly for no reason I am thinking of how much I love when people who are speaking Japanese start drawing kanji in the air, to make clear which of many homophones they mean. ame ("rain") v ame ("candy").

Last night we listened to Songs of Love + Hate & I am, ever, in love with the incredible tag-team of "Love calls you by your name" with "Famous Blue Raincoat" right on its heels. Deeply in love, at that.

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